Discover more talent, scroll and see what my amazing friends are capable of.

Niels Egidius
Niels is an illustrator and painter from Eindhoven. He is a storyteller who likes to create unique worlds. Niels has a thing for monkeys.

Tom Elswijk
Rocks the illustration- and film world by his thorough work. Looking for the stories worth telling, Tom offers a better version you asked him for.

Astrid Niari
Enthusiastic girl throwing the most happy images and fluent illustrations to you when you didn’t know you needed them. Great explorer of style and the most lovely girl to work with.

Sandra Janssen
Is a creative allrounder and I really like her style. Great fascination for sexuality and sensuality.
Can rock big projects in short time.

Samir Matanda
Knows where to find it / that special someone if you know what you are looking for. Always on top of trends, best dressed in this list.

Maud Bongers
Is the most thorough researcher I know. Once she sets her teeth in something she will find what she is looking for and 10 things more. Found somebodies stolen dog by googling like only Maud can.

Julia van der Pas
who’s nick name is ‘world lover’. Passionate about italian dishes and lyrics. She makes theater splays, teaches yoga. Also Julia is my partner in crime with Suzanne the Campervan.

Imme Steinmann
Sucker for love. Theater makester and actress, hungry for stories with a full package of energy. Start a conversation about sexuality and she will entertain you for the whole evening.
music and sound

Dion Visser
You name it, Dion can make it. He will also advice you the best material use for you project.
Sustainability guru with a very friendly voice.

Leoke Van Geffen
Loco brain owner and makes things actually work. Proud owner of the pink house located on the square of Gerrit Rietveld academia (guerrilla style)

Bas Stoker
A driven guy with surprising works. Interested in applying a comical twist to ordinary objects and mixes life with tech.

Fabienne Van Der Weiden & Jessica Joosse
This duo explores and exploits the future of fashion. Always on the hunt for new techniques in 3D printing and lasercutting.

Woody Veneman
Musical omnivore working on projects with soul. As a creator of sound, he is a very driven and consistent creative animal.

Alex Gehlen
Expert on new technologies and how those shape your life. Knows how systems and processes work. He is very patient.